Thursday, April 19, 2012

Work already?

Hello mates! My Wednesday was filled with researching and reading, so I didn't think that would make for a very entertaining post. However, Thursday was a little more exciting. I had a tour of Corpus Christi today, in which we were shown the dining hall, the nicer-private dining rooms, each of our outside courts, the bar cellar, and again the JCR. Then we had a really nice lunch with the Stanford students in Corpus, the JCR president, our international affairs person, the two liaisons that went to Stanford's Sophomore College last summer, and the actual president of Corpus Christi. Afterwards, a friend of mine and I ran back to the house to make it in time for our class which took place in the seminar room. This is the Gender and Social Change in Modern Britain course, and the professor was really nice. We discussed the layout of the class, the assignments, and the resources she provided for us, then had a small break to determine which topic we wanted to present on. I chose "Gender Dynamics in the Classroom," so I'll be presenting during the week 4 seminar, and my paper on that topic will be due the following week. I'll also have a larger paper and a smaller paper due at the end of the course, both on different topics. The size of the class is pretty small, so hopefully we'll all get to know each other better. After all of that was settled, the professor gave us a little introduction on the different theories of feminism and arguments for why patriarchy is not detrimental to women. It was very interesting to learn about all of this, and the layout for the rest of the course looks super intriguing, so I have a feeling I'm going to really enjoy this class! Afterwards, I began to pack for the trip to Wales and Chester this weekend, which I need to finish packing for, and I should probably go to sleep early as well. I'll take lots of pictures!

Oh! My roommate and I planned our trip to PARIS, FRANCE!!! We will be going from May 11-13, traveling by Euro-star, the train that goes underneath the English Channel, and we're super excited!!!

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