Friday, April 13, 2012

First Class and Welcome Dinner

I am posting about yesterday since I got back very late and went right to bed. Yesterday I had my first class, The History and Architecture of Oxford, at 2pm. It was very interesting, and I'm sure it will be a great class, but I'm not sure if it will be possible to do this class in addition to my tutorial and the other course I'm taking here. Later in the evening, the Welcome Dinner was hosted in Corpus Christi College (which is my affiliated college) and it was very nice. They started us off with bread and soup, and then served us duck with vegetables, and finally gave us sorbet and coffee for dessert. I got to know more students during this dinner, which was very nice. Afterwards, a group of us (different than the previous night) went to a pub called Cape of Good Hope, which was a lot bigger than the Turf Tavern, and I tried a strawberry didn't taste as gross as normal beer, but I really got to know more students here, and we all had a great time! I should be able to post today's happenings later tonight - cheerio!

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