Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The University Tour

Today was very busy! First we had orientation meetings in the morning to inform us about the academic and cultural aspects of the trip, house policies, and emergency situations. In the afternoon I went to get a cell phone and visited Moo Moo's, a place famous for their milkshakes. I had a nutella-flavored milkshake that was amazing! We had the university tour for two hours, and I was able to see so much history and beauty. After that, we had a house meeting and they brought us Pizza Hut, and a group of people tried to get Trivial Pursuit going until we realized that it was the British version! We all failed at that game. Another group of people wanted to go out to a pub, so my roommate and I went along with them. It was very different that clubs back home, which I was glad about because I really enjoyed having Pimm's and socializing with other students in the programme. When we got back to the house, a group of girls were watching Pride and Prejudice so we joined them. I can't wait to see what the next days will bring!

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