Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tea for Tuesday

My Tuesday was very relaxing, other than the fact that I was reading most of the day for my paper assignment. I was able to sleep in, finish one of the readings, and eat lunch in time for tea. Apparently Corpus Christi has tea every week in the JCR (junior common room), and they invited us to their first meeting so that we could meet the students, and perhaps our "parents" as well (if you're familiar with siblings in clubs, ethnic groups, fraternities and sororities, it's quite like those except foreign to us since we don't go 'round calling friends "mum and dad"). I didn't get an email from my "parents" until after the tea; I think the leader of the JCR sent them an angry email about how they shouldn't have neglected to contact me :P But my "dad" was the one who emailed me, his name is Anthony, and he's going to meet me at the Welcome Lunch we have on Thursday. He told me that my "mum's" name is Livvy, but I haven't heard from her yet. The students seem really nice, at least the ones we met, and I hope I get to spend lots of time with them. After tea, my friend (who made me steak the other night to pay me back for a purchase) made chicken pasta for four of us girls. That was quite an interesting dinner since the four of us were really getting to know each other by telling "partial life stories" and things in that manner. It was quite tasty, and afterward we hung out for a little before I left to plan out the rest of my week. We got more information about the Bing Trip this weekend, but I'll let you all know where we're going as soon as I find out the specifics. Hopefully there will be internet access so that I can continue posting to my blog!

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