Tuesday, April 10, 2012

And the Adventure Begins!

It is now my second day at Oxford! I arrived yesterday afternoon and was picked up from the airport by my roommate and her father. We drove to the Stanford House and the countryside was beautiful. When we got to the house we were told that our room was on the top floor - it says floor three but it's more like the fifth floor with all of the stairs we have to climb to get up there. We have a really nice view so hopefully I can post pictures soon. Yesterday we had an introductory orientation, a small tour of the main street (High Street), and a meet and greet with tea and scones. My roommate, Julianne, my friend Pats, and I went down the street to buy my a cell phone but the stores were closed so I'm going to get one today during a lunch break. We also went to buy our groceries for today and came back to eat dinner in the house. My roommate and I unpacked and were exhausted so we went to be relatively early. Today we have to set up our laptops on the Oxford network, attend multiple orientations, go on a university tour, and learn the rules of the house. More to come!

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