Monday, April 23, 2012

Manic Monday

How shall I write about what I did today? Well, it involved a ton of reading, some reading, a little bit of reading, loads of reading, and still more reading. It's a wonder that I'm interested in a field with so much reading... Anyway, I gave myself some slack and slept in a little this morning, especially since I was exhausted from this past weekend. After my shower I made some breakfast and set up my little reading station in my room. The dining halls are now open, so I went to my first meal at Corpus Christi for lunch today. It was quite confusing, very different from Stanford, and nothing like what we're used to. The food wasn't too bad (apparently we have the best dining hall out of the colleges Stanfordians are affiliated with, so that's nice) but we realized that the amount of money placed on our Bod Cards isn't enough to last us the rest of the term. It's interesting because the food stipend we get isn't enough either... Anyway, the students weren't very open to talking with us during lunch, so we decided we'd be more sociable at dinner. After lunch I ran errands with one of my friends and sent postcards, which was exciting. It was pouring outside, and we were pretty soaked when we got back to the house, but we managed to stop by a cafe and grab some warm, yummy tea for our reading/paper writing. My afternoon was filled with more reading, and then dinner was a little better on the social (and meal) side. We met some nice students who pretty much only wanted to ask us about the Stanford students they knew from SoCo and the American education system (4 years of university as opposed to 3, and not being able to major in law, medicine, edication, etc). Tonight was open beer cellar night at my college, but I decided to stay in and finish my reading, which made me feel pretty productive. I rewarded myself by catching up on my TV shows, and I'm now off to bed so that I can dedicate tomorrow to writing my paper. Hopefully I can be productive tomorrow!

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