Monday, April 16, 2012

Relaxing Sunday to Busy Monday

Sunday was quite relaxing, but I also walked all over Oxford shopping. I didn't think it was exciting enough to write a blog, so I decided to wait another day. So anyway, I had my first meeting with my tutors today. They both seem very nice, and we set the schedule for this term's tutorial meetings. They also said that I don't have to read my papers aloud at each tutorial, which is how some traditional tutors hold their meetings, but I'm glad I won't have to do it. I will have an assignment due next Tuesday, which is a bit of a downer since our Bing Weekend Trip is this whole weekend. Hopefully they will email me the paper prompt and readings soon so that I can get a head start on it! Afterward, I had my affiliate college library registration, so I was able to see the Corpus Christi Library and learn about how it works. It's open 24 hours and I have a lot of friends in Corpus, so hopefully we can have study "parties" there, or more like late-night/early morning cram sessions. [Can I just say that I found out something very peculiar today - students have exams at the beginning of each term to see what they remember from the previous term...I would not be very appreciative if Stanford made us do this!] The librarian seemed very nice, and I met our liaison who will show us around after the lunch and tour on Thursday. After the college library registrations, I went out to tea with some friends but ended up getting Italian ice cream! I ordered the pistachio and the Irish creme, and both were delectable. I went grocery shopping afterward, and I'm about to eat a microwaved lasagna meal. Cheerio!

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