Friday, April 13, 2012

Punting is meant to be leisurely? FALSE

Wow, today sure was a doozy! We had to wake up very early to register at the Bodleian Library in order to be able to access books from every library at Oxford. On the way back to the house a group of us stopped at The Missing Bean which is a really good coffee shop, and I was excited to learn that their chai tea lattes taste very much like those from Coupa Cafe (on Stanford's campus). We then were informed about how we can check out books from the Stanford House Library, and I took two books out for my tutorial. After eating lunch and watching the latest Glee episode online, we all went "punting", in which my group had quite a difficult time, perhaps because the boat house worker didn't explain to us how exactly one "punts". We took turns trying to steer the boat with the long metal pole, but we ended up backwards many times, and we constantly ran into the sides of the river. It was quite a relief to be finished, and we decided to treat ourselves to Jamie's Italian restaurant, which was very tasty. Tomorrow we are all taking a coach to the Hampton Court Palace and the Kew Gardens, so I'm very excited for that! I'm also exhausted from today, so I'll need to get my sleep for tomorrow's travels. Ironically we did not go out to a pub today, of all days, the first Friday, but I think people were planning night outings for when we come back from the trip tomorrow. Cheers!

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