Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday: Pride and the Beginning of Celebrations

I had such an eventful day yesterday, I can't even believe it. In the morning, I woke up super early (7am) so that I could allow myself time to get lost on the way to my first tutorial to turn in my first paper. That was smart, because I rode the bus past where I was supposed to go, and needed to ask for help finding the place. I met this really nice British old man who is affiliated with St. Clare's College but is currently teaching at a high school in the area. He led me to the right place while engaging in conversation and also gave me his email - see, there are nice people here!

When I found my tutor, we walked to a Starbucks and she bought me a frappuccino for our session. We talked about me so that she could get to know me better, and then we went through my paper. I was so happy to hear her positive feedback and encouraging comments. I had been really nervous because this is the first time I've ever been cautiously looked at in terms of my writing, but she explained the English grading system to me, and gave me a high mark! I'm very proud of my first paper (and I'll definitely keep it for grad school samples) but I'm hoping that I'm able to keep up the good streak and improve my writing while I'm here.

After my tutorial, I wanted to go to the Radcliffe Science Library, so I took the bus back to the Oxford Centre and tried to walk, but I got lost (again) and ended up just going back to town and grocery shopping at Tesco. (I plan on going to the RSL today after lunch.) The weather had been rather nice until I left Tesco - it started pouring as soon as I finished paying for my things, so I had an interesting walk back home.

I put away all of my groceries and went to eat lunch with some friends at Corpus. It wasn't very good, but I knew I had exciting dinner plans, so it didn't matter much. I was able to meet some of my friends' "parents" and friends of their parents, and they all seemed interested in me and my morning story. I guess I'd say that I'm widening my social sphere and adding British people into it.

Then I had my gender class, in which we learned about the history of the family, statistics about marriage, divorce, child-bearning, laws in these areas, etc (all in Britain). It was very interesting to learn about all of these in the UK, and we had some very intriguing discussions throughout the lecture. Then, one of my friends presented statistics about domestic violence, and pointed out a ridiculous case that happened last month that none of us could believe. I'm really going to enjoy that class.

I knew we only had 20 minutes to get ready for our dinner plans, so I rushed to get pretty after class. There were about 8 of us, all dressed to go to the theater, walking down High Street (yes, I did it in heels) to eat at Atomic Burger. That place is amazing! I had a burger called the "Frito Bandito" that had nachos, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese. It was delicious, and I'm glad I got to hang out with that group of girls.

Afterward, we walked over to the theater to see the London cast preform Avenue Q. It was hilarious!!! I was either laughing or smiling to keep myself from laughing the whole time! It was a little mature for some of the people we saw in the audience (especially the high school boys) but I'm really glad I was able to go. I still have most of the songs stuck in my head, but they aren't exactly appropriate to sing out loud, so I'll just have to hum the tunes! When it was over, we went to Tesco to buy some snacks, and came back to the house to plan our...

TRIP TO GREECE!!! We're flying into Athens on May 25, going to an island for the the next two days, then flying out of Athens on the 28! There are 5 of us girls flying in and leaving together, and another girl is going to leave a bit early since she has class on Monday. We're really excited about it, and I was singing songs from Mamma Mia during our planning process. The plane tickets came out to be a good price, and we've found really cheap hotels (we're planning to get one room and share to make it even cheaper) but we're going to decide which island we want to visit later on today.

Like I said, what an eventful day. And in other news, I can't believe I'm turning 21 on Monday! I'll need to post about my celebratory events, although I think they started yesterday!

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