Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Attention: I Have Completed My First Tutorial Paper!!!

What fun has this been to write a ten page paper on the classification of abnormal psychology and the problems with these methods...but I am finally done!! Phew, that took a lot of time, reading, researching, writing, organizing, structuring and restructuring, and formatting, but I am proud to say that I completed the paper the night before it's due. I will meet with my tutor tomorrow morning - hopefully our tutorial goes well.

I've basically been working on my paper and forming bonds with the people in the house these past few days, but today something special happened. I met my Oxford Parents! So I have a "mum" and a "dad" in Corpus Christi College, and I had tea with them this afternoon. My mum's name is Livvy: she's a second-year Ancient History major from the Oxford area and is the captain of the Women's Rowing Team. My dad's name is Anthony (pronounced "Antony"): he's a second-year Classics major from London and I don't think he plays any sports, but he went to San Diego when he was 7. It's a little funny that they're both younger than me, but they are really nice, and they've both expressed that they'd like to spend more time with me and invite me to events and such. Apparently I have a "little brother" as well, but he couldn't make it to our tea this afternoon because he has exams, so I'll meet him another time. I'm glad my "parents" are so nice - I was worried that they wouldn't be as welcoming as Stanford students are, but they're just as good! It'll take some time getting used to this "family" structure, especially since Stanford has "big sibs" rather than parents and whatnot, but I'm sure I'll become very close to them.

I also had dinner at Corpus tonight, and I posted a picture (taken on my janky little cell phone) on Facebook for all to marvel. Unfortunately I can't post it to this blog because the file won't transfer to the correct kind, but it was a very "Ari" dinner: spaghetti and meatballs, peas, strawberries with whipped cream, a Chelsea roll (kind of like a Cinnabon but without the cinnamon and glaze) and apple juice. I was shocked, but happy, and ate every last bit!

Tomorrow shall be exciting: After my tutorial, I'm going to check out the Radcliffe Science Library and see if I can find the books I'll need for my next tutorial paper. Then I plan on doing some reading and making it back to Corpus for lunch. I'll have my Gender and Social Change class tomorrow, which I'm excited about because one of my friends will be presenting about Domestic Violence in Britain. Then, a group of us girls are going to get all prettied-up, go out to dinner together, and go down the street to see the London Cast preform Avenue Q! I've never seen this musical, but I've heard wonderful things about it, and I can't wait! After we come back to the house, we'll plan our trip to Greece! Well it's off to beddy-bye for me, but I hope I'm able to come back tomorrow night and post about tomorrow. Cheerio!

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