Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hampton Court Palace and Kew Gardens

From Oxford, past London, to these amazing places and back, there was a ton of traveling done on this Saturday. The Hampton Court Palace was so beautiful, with the royal chambers, royal gardens, royal kitchens, everything was royal and either remained from hundreds of years ago or had been redone to model what it looked like hundreds of years ago. Then we went to Kew Gardens, which very very nice but it was super cold, so we would run to the greenhouses for warmth. When we got back to the house, a group of us went to a Thai restaurant, mainly because I've never had Thai food before. Although it was delicious, the service was terrible, so we'll find another Thai restaurant to eat at next time. Later in the night we had a house progressive (where each cluster of rooms chooses a theme, dresses up, and serves something). The overall theme was British Authors, so my "pod" chose Oscar Wilde, dressed up as dandies, and served mimosas. The progressive was so much fun, and I hope we get to have another one soon. I went to my first club afterwards, and it was a very interesting experience, mainly because the music was a lot different than what we usually hear in the states...but maybe other clubs will have better music. Time for a relaxing Sunday with errands and reading before the academia starts!

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