Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I am Now Officially 21 Everywhere!

Yay for being twenty-one! But I shall begin with Sunday night... My birthday twin (another girl was born on April 30 and turned 21 with me) brought me a drink at midnight so that we could celebrate together. My roommate also brought me pink champagne, decorated the door to our room, and made sure that everyone knew it was my birthday. I was very happy that I was able to skype my mom and brother on my birthday! But after all of that, I stayed up very late to finish my reading. I actually witnessed my first English sunrise, although I did not pull a full all-nighter that night.

On Monday we went to Stratford, which was such a small and quaint town. It's famous for Shakespeare, who was born, raised, and died there. I actually got to see his house (where he was born) and his grave, which was pretty amazing. After we walked around Stratford, a group of my friends wanted to eat for my actual birthday dinner, so we went to this pub called "The Black Swan" which apparently has award-winning fish n chips. I still hadn't had fish n chips in the UK, so I ordered those, along with rose' and lemonade. It was a delicious dinner. Then one of my friends ordered three scoops of ice cream for my dessert. Twelfth Night was very interesting, but I'm glad I was able to watch a Shakespeare play in the town he came from. I'll post pictures in a little.

When we got back to Oxford, it was pouring rain, but my friend hadn't eaten dinner, so I went with her to find food. We ran through a really big rain storm, which was funny because we at least had a good amount of clothing on, unlike all of the "ladies" who were ready to party for May Day and had to run around in the rain in their mini skirts and pumps. When we got back to the house, we had a study party since the three of us had to work on our papers, and really couldn't be out all night partying. I actually ended up pulling an all nighter to finish my paper, WHICH I JUST FINISHED, so I can go print that and wait to attend my tutorial. I've been avoiding going on Facebook because of all of the posts, but I want everyone to know that I appreciate their birthday wishes!

After my tutorial this afternoon, I plan on sleeping, sleeping, and sleeping. Cheerio, from the new twenty-one-year-old!

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