Sunday, May 6, 2012


So sorry it's been a while since my last post! I'd love to share everything I did in London, but I'll need to do it quickly because I have papers to write. On Friday, I went to London with three girls. We took the Oxford Tube, and found a place where free tours are given. The tour guide was really nice, but she told us historical stories that I'm not sure really happened. She took us to Buckingham palace during the changing of the guards ceremony, through the streets of London, to Trafalgar Square and the center of the city, to Big Ben and the London Eye, to Westminster Abbey, and to parliament. There were other places we visited as well, such as previous king's houses, but I can't recall their names. After the tour, we went to see the National Portrait Gallery and evensong at Westminster Abbey, we walked across a not-so-important bridge to see what was across from what we had already seen, we went to Oxford street and went inside M&M's World, we found Chinatown and bough boba, and then we grabbed some pizza and took the London Tube (subway) to our friend's house to sleep for the night.

The next day, we went to Abbey Road (where the Beatles recorded their music and walked across the street in the famous picture) and I wrote my mom's and brother's names on the wall. We then took the Tube to the Tower of London Bridge and walked across the whole bridge. After that we walked to St. Paul's Cathedral, then took a coach to King's Cross Station. We were disappointed to learn that they had just put a plastic sign that says "Platform 9 3/4" on a random wall. We had gone there to see the real one, but it was fine for our pictures. We took the Tube to Harrods which is a really big shopping store with expensive brands, but I knew I wasn't going to buy anything there, so I went along the street outside and found other stores to peek into. When I was ready to leave I caught the Tube back to Victoria Station, grabbed a really late lunch, then found the Oxford Tube waiting for me outside. It was such a long weekend, but I'm glad I can say that I've been to London!

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