Sunday, May 20, 2012

I'm on a Boat: New College Boat Party

Sorry it's been so long again! I've had a pretty rough week. I've been reading for my tutorial, eating more in the dining hall, hanging out with friends, and discovering new places in Oxford (there's a new tea place/cafe that has boba down the street from our house)! On Thursday, after class, my friends Thuy and Akiko went with me to watch an Oxford production on the musical, "Anything Goes" because one of our friends was cast a small role. We arrived early so we went to G&D's down the street and shared a pint of Bailey's ice cream. The musical was actually really good, other than the tapping of one of the main characters...It was a little painful to watch, especially because we've realized that English can't dance, and my friends kept mentioning that I should have auditioned for that part, but the tap dancing was only in one song, and the actress was a really good singer, so that made up for her lack of tapping skills. Afterwards, we met up with a bunch of Stanford people at a pub for Willys' 21st birthday. I had strawberry cider, which was super sweet, and then some of us walked back home to get food at one of the trucks along high street. I got ribs! When we got back to the house, Thuy and I watched the two latest episodes of Glee (yay for winning Nationals FINALLY!) while drinking rose I brought back from Paris and eating chocolate.

Saturday was fun, fun. fun. It was my friend Juany's birthday, so a group of us went to Atomic Burger again, and yes, I got the Frito Bandito again and finished it all! Then we went back to the house, and a group of 6 of us started getting ready for the ball (that turned out not to be as formal as we thought it would be). When it was time to go, we walked over to New College where the buses were parked, and started the journey to London. When we got to London, we walked over to the Thames River and boarded the boat. It was so much nicer than the boat Stanford got for my sophomore formal. The music was great - American: hits, pop, hip-hop, oldies, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Grease, etc. It was a blast dancing with my friends and not worrying about classes. The Thames River was very nice as well; although it was pretty cold outside, it wasn't dark until later, and the river was pretty calm during those 5 hours. It was sad when the party ended and the boat docked, but we had been partied out and were all ready to sleep on the bus. I'm glad I was able to attend this ball!

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