Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our Vacation in Portugal!

'Ello from rainy and cold England! I am so excited to be coming home on Saturday! But first - FARO!

The friend that I went to visit in Paris, France (Tiffany) and I wanted to go somewhere nice and sunny before we spend all summer on The Farm, so we decided to take a weekend trip to Faro, Portugal. We arrived late on Friday night, so after taking a taxi to our Best Western, we checked in, grabbed some food, and planned out our weekend.

On Saturday, we woke up and explored the town of Faro. It was nice and quaint, with little shops and restaurants all over the area we were in. There were also plenty of shopping stores (and malls) so we had fun with those. We also had a ton of pastries, gelatto, and snacks before dinner, but we shared our dinner so that we could spend less money. Afterwards, we went out to see how the nightlife is in Faro, but we didn't really like any of the clubs that seemed pretty populated, and we didn't want to waste money, so we decided to party by ourselves! It was quite a nice night, with drinks, desserts, and Gossip Girl episodes. But then we needed to get some rest for our beach day.

Sunday morning we woke up and headed to the Marina to catch a ferry to one of the beaches in Faro. We ended up going to Ilha do Farol, which was really nice. It wasn't too crowded, and the water was so pretty. I'd been missing the beach since England is so cold, Greece didn't really have beaches, and I didn't get to go before leaving San Diego. It was nice to lay out on the sand, cool off in the water, and relax with Tiffany. However, we both got sunburned, so hopefully it turns into a tan soon so that we don't peel! After coming back to the mainland, we both look nice cold showers, went to an Italian place for dinner, and then passed out back in our hotel room from being in the sun all day.

Monday we packed, checked out of the hotel, and went souvenir shopping before catching a taxi to the airport. It was sad to leave, but we'll both be back in California soon, out of this miserable weather. She'll even be at Stanford with me over the summer, so we'll get to hang out when we're not working.

When I got back to the Stanford house, I wrote my last two tutorial papers ever. It was nice to finally finish my tutorial and look back at all of the hard work I've done this quarter, but when it came time to meet with my tutor, I was really sad that it was over. She was very sad that the time flew by as well, but she was also happy with my last papers and gave me high scores on them both! She also asked me to please keep in touch, and said that she might take a trip to California and try to meet up with me at Stanford. I still have two more papers, but I can't believe that the term is almost over.

Our Bing Farewell Dinner was last night, and it was pretty bittersweet to talk with everyone who is still here (some students have already left). Dr. Tyack, the director of the program, sat across from me, and he was testing my proper English accent, having me say words such as "strawberry", "watermelon", "Oxford", "darling", etc. He said I was pretty good! Then we took a jumping picture with him outside of the restaurant, and I think Thuy is going to submit in to the Bing Overseas Study Program Photo Contest. I hope we win!

Here are some pictures from Faro. But seriously, I'll be home this Saturday evening!

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